During this time of year, the Focus family aims to put its company name into action and we "focus" on what the holidays really mean – a time of gratitude, thankfulness, and a time to give back to the communities where we live and work.
We were so thrilled to jump into action on Giving Tuesday to give back to our local troops here in Chicago. For the third year in a row we came together to stuff 40 giant stockings that were then donated to the Jesse Brown VA Medical Center. The stockings were stuffed with special gifts, toys and cards, ensuring that veterans and their families have a holiday filled with love, warmth and hope.
The 40 stockings were distributed to to veterans at the VA Medical Center’s homeless walk-in shelter, as well as to veteran families that live at the center’s 65th infantry housing unit in Chicago.
We are thankful for the opportunity to enhance our community beyond the buildings we construct and are always looking for ways to better serve our community. To partner with Focus in the future, reach out today!